cfpb Shopping for a mortgage can really pay off Americans are always on the lookout for a good deal. They delight in hunting for discounted jeans or snagging 25 percent off on the latest gadget. But Americans arent´t shopping around for one of their most expensive items-their mortgage. 47 percent of homebuyers don´t compare lenders We found that 47 percent of all homeowners considered only one lender or broker for their mortgage. Visiting just three lenders could save you thousands A lower interest rate helps you in two ways: more of your payment goes toward your principal, and you´ll make lower payments. Selecting a 4.0% interest rate instead of a 4.5% rate on a $200,000, 30-year fixed mortgage means you´ll pay off an additional $1,400 in principal in the first 5 years. And, your payments will be nearly $60 a month less. That´s more than $3,500 over just the first 5 years. You can put that savings to use by: • Paying off your mortgage or other debts faster • Saving for emergency home repairs (like when your washing machine is on the fritz) • Making improvements to your home • Putting a bit more aside for your future • Or maybe even splurging on a family vacation We´re here to help you with the home buying process. Our Owning a Home tools show you the interest rates that others with a similar financial background are being offered, help you understand loan options, and ease the closing process so you can make smarter decisions about your mortgage. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - cfpb